Gallery The Beautiful Brain RGB mosaic of HEK293 cells Proliferating microglia in prion (from Gomez-Nicola et al., J Neurosci 2013) RGB-traced newborn olfactory neurons (from Gomez-Nicola et al., Sci Rep 2015) Rostral migratory stream (from Gomez-Nicola et al., Mol Biol Cell 2011) Microglia goes nuts after AraC in prion (from Gomez-Nicola et al., J Neurosci 2013) RGB-traced striatal neurons (from Gomez-Nicola et al., Sci Rep 2015) Retroviral-trcaed newborn neurons RGB-traced newborn granule cells (from Gomez-Nicola et al., Sci Rep 2015) CD11c+ microglia in prion (from Gomez-Nicola et al., J Neurosci 2013) Overbooking in the Dentate Gyrus RGB-traced granule cells (from Gomez-Nicola et al., HGT 2015) IL15-expressing neurospheres (from Gomez-Nicola et al., Mol Biol Cell 2011) The Lab in Action! Lab retreat 2017 Alex Ruffhead and ARUK Fundraising team visit Xmas party 2016 Brainstorming day 2016 Away day summer 2016 2 Away day summer 2016 Mar's Farewell lunch Brainstorming day 2015